Faculty of Legal, Political and Administrative Sciences
The Faculty of Law, Political Sciences and Management provides training in the fields of law, applied economics, management, accounting and finance. Internationally oriented, the faculty is committed to promoting exchanges with partner universities over the world.
- Business Law
- Employment & Human Resources Law
- Entertainment & Media Law
- Environmental Law
- Government & National Security Law
- Health Law & Policy
- Law & Technology
- Public Interest Law
- American Politics,
- Comparative Politics,
- International Relations,
- Political Theory,
- Political Methodology.
PhD in Political Science
– Develop expertise in a specialized area of political science research
– Conduct independent and original research of high quality in political science
– Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of political theories, methods, and models
– Develop and apply analytical and critical thinking skills to political science research
– Effectively communicate research findings to a variety of audiences
Master's in Political Science
– Develop a foundational understanding of key concepts and methods in political science
– Demonstrate competence in the application of political science research methods and techniques
– Develop an understanding of the ethical and social issues related to political science research and practice
– Develop the skills necessary to effectively communicate political science research findings to a variety of audiences
– Apply political science research findings to real-world problems and situations
Curricula for a Master's and PhD program in Law, including the number of credits required for each course
First Year
– Legal Research and Writing (3 credits)
– Contracts (3 credits)
– Torts (3 credits)
– Civil Procedure (3 credits)
– Criminal Law and Procedure (3 credits)
– Elective Course 1 (3 credits)
Second Year
– Constitutional Law (3 credits)
– Administrative Law (3 credits)
– Property Law (3 credits)
– Business Organizations (3 credits)
– Elective Course 2 (3 credits)
– Elective Course 3 (3 credits)
Third Year
– Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility (3 credits)
– Elective Course 4 (3 credits)
– Elective Course 5 (3 credits)
– Elective Course 6 (3 credits)
– Master’s Thesis (6 credits)
First Year
– Advanced Legal Research and Writing (3 credits)
– Constitutional Law Theory (3 credits)
– Administrative Law Theory (3 credits)
– Property Law Theory (3 credits)
– Elective Course 1 (3 credits)
– Elective Course 2 (3 credits)
Second Year
– Legal Philosophy (3 credits)
– Jurisprudence (3 credits)
– Advanced Business Organizations (3 credits)
– Elective Course 3 (3 credits)
– Elective Course 4 (3 credits)
– Elective Course 5 (3 credits)
Third Year
– Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility (3 credits)
– Research Seminar in Law (3 credits)
– Elective Course 6 (3 credits)
– Elective Course 7 (3 credits)
Fourth Year
– Dissertation Proposal Seminar (3 credits)
– Dissertation Research (12 credits)
These are sample curricula and the actual courses offered may vary depending on the institution and program. It is important to consult the program requirements and course offerings of specific institutions when considering a Master’s or PhD program in Law.
Curricula for a Master's and PhD program in Political Science, including the number of credits required for each course
Core Courses (18 credit hours)
-POLS 710 – Introduction to Political Science (3 credit hours)
-POLS 720 – Research Methods in Political Science (3 credit hours)
-POLS 730 – Political Theory (3 credit hours)
-POLS 740 – Comparative Politics (3 credit hours)
-POLS 750 – International Relations (3 credit hours)
-POLS 760 – American Politics (3 credit hours)
Advanced Courses (18 credit hours)
-Six advanced seminars in Political Science (3 credit hours each)
Electives (9 credit hours)
-Three courses in Political Science or related fields (3 credit hours each)
Comprehensive Exam (0 credit hours)
-Successful completion of comprehensive exams in Political Science
Dissertation (15 credit hours)
-Successful completion of a dissertation in Political Science
Core Courses (12 credit hours)
-POLS 501 – Introduction to Political Science (3 credit hours)
-POLS 502 – Research Methods in Political Science (3 credit hours)
-POLS 503 – Political Theory (3 credit hours)
– POLS 504 – Comparative Politics (3 credit hours)
Electives (18 credit hours)
-Six courses in Political Science or related fields (3 credit hours each)
Thesis or Capstone (3 credit hours)
-Successful completion of a thesis or capstone project in Political Science
The curriculum may vary depending on the institution and program requirements. This is just an example to give you an idea of what a typical curriculum for a PhD and Master’s degree in Political Science might look like.