Honorary Degree

What is an honorary doctorate?

An honorary doctorate, or Doctor Honoris Causa, is a doctoral-level honorary degree that a school can give to an individual. For instance, schools may bestow an honorary law degree upon someone who’s made significant impacts on law and politics. Common honorary doctorate degrees include the following: 

  • Doctor of Education (D.Ed.)
  • Doctor of Arts (D.A.)
  • Doctor of Science (D.S.)
  • Doctor of Public Service (D.P.S.)
  • Doctor of Fine Arts (D.F.A.)
  • Doctor of Public Service (D.P.S.)

An honorary degree is an award that recognizes an individual’s contributions to society, specific schools and the world at large. People who earn honorary degrees are typically those who make profound impacts on health care, economics, entertainment, politics, business, medicine and science. Most commonly, presidents, world leaders, celebrities, scientists and lawyers receive honorary degrees in recognition of any impactful work they contribute to the world. You may earn an honorary master’s degree or an honorary doctoral degree, such as an honorary education degree. This degree comes in the form of a diploma as an honor.

What can you do with an honorary degree?

Having an honorary degree doesn’t grant you any certain privileges professionally, but it can provide you with prestige and additional recognition. Typically, it grants you the following:

  • Having formal recognition as a person with a high honor
  • Using the title “doctor” after stating your name
  • Using the title “doctor” by others, but not yourself
  • Including on your resume under an “achievements and awards” section

Why does AGORA INTERNATIONAL AMERICAN UNIVERSITY give out honorary degrees?

AGORA INTERNATIONAL AMERICAN UNIVERSITY may give out honorary degrees for a number of reasons, including:

  • Gratitude: If a school alumnus or general donor has donated a significant amount of money to the school, the school may, in return, bestow upon them an honorary degree to thank them for their contributions.
  • Recognition: If a school notices that someone has made a beneficial impact on the school or the surrounding community, they may choose to recognize them with an honorary degree.
  • School pride: If an alum from a college or university completes significant accomplishments after graduating from their school, the school may choose to honor them with an honorary degree.



How do you qualify for an honorary degree?

The AGORA INTERNATIONAL AMERICAN UNIVERSITY Committee determines how individuals may qualify to receive an honorary degree. There aren’t specific qualifications that individuals can meet to ensure they can earn one. The committee identifies people who, in their own opinion, have made significant impacts on society and deserve an honorary degree and use these opinions to select deserving individuals.
The committee then follows the university selection process when choosing who to give honorary degrees to, and rules regarding who may receive one. For instance, if the individuals in question contribute monetarily to the school, are in public office or running for public office or are alumni, they may not be eligible for an honorary degree from the school due to a conflict of interest being present.



Can you lose an honorary degree?

It’s possible to lose an honorary degree after receiving one due to certain circumstances. Losing an honorary degree usually only occurs in extenuating circumstances and isn’t necessarily common, but can happens from time to time. For instance, if a the committee determines that the person who they give an honorary degree upon is incompatible with the degree because they no longer meet the school’s standards for honorary degrees, because they get into trouble with the law or something similar, they may rescind that degree from the person in question. At that point, that the honorary degree is no longer valid.


Is there a difference between an honorary degree and a regular degree?

Honorary degrees have no relation to formal, typical degrees that one earns through pursuing a formal education at a college or university. There are nearly no similarities between the two types of degrees. A person can receive an honorary degree without applying to a school, passing courses or taking exams. Just because you receive an honor degree doesn’t mean you have qualifications to practice in the field you received the degree in, either. For instance, if you receive an honorary law degree, this doesn’t provide you with qualifications to practice law.

